Dr. Khyati Y. Joshi is a scholar and thought leader on theintersecting issues of race, religion and immigration in the United States. Herwritings, speeches, and course work focus on promoting cultural and religiouspluralism in the United States. Dr. Khyati Y. Joshi is a scholar and thoughtleader on the intersecting issues of race, religion and immigration in theUnited States. Her writings, speeches, and course work focus on promotingcultural and religious pluralism in the United States. Dr. Joshi is alsoco-founder of the Institute for Teaching Diversity and Social Justice (IDSJ),which offers institutes, workshops, and resources.Through her workshops andconsulting, Dr. Joshi engages educators, policy-makers, and community leadersin an examination of the historical and systemic nature of bias, itsconsequences in everyday life, and the solutions that foster social justice andinclusiveness. In doing so, she provides clients with the tools to enhance boththeir own and their organizations' ability to provide inclusive, meaningfulservices and experiences in an increasingly connected and diverseworld.Professor Joshi’s research and scholarly work taps the experiences ofSouth Asian Americans and other immigrant communities to illuminate racerelations and inform interfaith work in the United States. She is an author,editor, and contributor to numerous ground-breaking books and journals in herfield.