Jaewoong Jung began teaching for Central Seminary in February 2021. He holds a Doctor of Philosophy in liturgical studies with emphasis in homiletics from Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary as well as degrees from Seoul Theological University (BA, MDiv), Yonsei University (ThM in New Testament), and Emory University (ThM in Homiletics). His research focuses on homiletical theories, whose subtopics include sacramentality of preaching, narrative hermeneutic in preaching, aesthetics of preaching, performativity of preaching, and embodiment. He has served as the Styberg Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow in Preaching and Coordinator of the Styberg Preaching Institute at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary. An ordained pastor in full connection with Korean Evangelical Holiness Church, Jung served as a military chaplain in the Republic of Korea Army for seven years, and at a local church in Seoul, South Korea, as well as Korean American churches in the United States.