The Rev. Dr. Kenneth J. Woo began teaching at PittsburghTheological Seminary in 2016. He has taught at Duke Divinity School, RedeemerSeminary, and the College of New Jersey. He has also served as a faculty memberin the United Methodist Church Course of Study program for ordained ministry.Woo received his Th.D. in the history of Christianity (Reformation Studies)from Duke University in 2015. Before that he completed his M.Div. atWestminster Theological Seminary and B.A. at the College of William and Mary.Woo’s doctoral dissertation examined the complex ways in which John Calvin andhis followers employed theological polemics against religious dissimulation toestablish and enforce social and ecclesial boundaries in a variety of16th-century contexts. His latest publication is Nicodemism and the EnglishCalvin, 1544–1584 (Brill, 2019). His next book, an introduction to the writingsof John Calvin through the lens of the reformer’s experience as a religiousrefugee, will be published by Baker Academic. Beyond the European reformations,Woo’s research interests span the development of the Reformed tradition, theintersection of biblical interpretation and church history, historicalreligious responses to persecution and mass migration, and Asian-American historyand theology. His work has appeared in Church History and Religious Culture,Concordia Theological Quarterly, Reformation and Renaissance Review, andSixteenth Century Journal, as well as in volumes published by Oxford UniversityPress and Cambridge University Press. A Reformed Church in America minister,Woo has served churches in New Jersey, Virginia, and North Carolina, as well asseveral years in campus ministry. He served for six years as pastor of amulticultural congregation near Washington, D.C.